High-pressure Pneumatic Convey

High pressure pneumatic conveyance is a conveyance method for fluidizing powder and granular materials with a blow tank and conveying them with a high solids loading ratio and at high pressure.
A large amount of powder and granular materials can be conveyed over long distances by controlling the conveyance pressure.

  • Handling System
  • Comparison of air speed
  • Comparison of conveying distance
  • Comparison of capacity

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need advice.

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TEL:+81-436-21-5173 FAX:+81-436-21-7239

Powder and Granular Material Handling System

Main Products for Pneumatic Conveyance

High-pressure pneumatic conveying system

Medium-pressure pneumatic conveying system

Combination of coveyance and measurement / mixture

Products for Blending

Other Products